Discovering my WHY- adventures at home.

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This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 2.

Before having my son life was pretty good. Good in a sense that I could be selfish, indulging in my love of travel and adventure and constant variety of countries I could live and work in. I could drink wine till the early hours with friends and sleep in late with few responsibilities. My passport(s) were full of stamps from extended years of living outside of New Zealand and I’d come home for a short stint before being ‘bored’.  I had 3 + years in in the UK working hard, playing hard immersing myself in any and every activity that popped up and looked exciting. Young, single with good jobs and lots of with buddies to escape with. Then along came an opportunity in the Middle East- great I thought, a new adventure, an opportunity to experience new cultures, enhance my career and build new friendships! Those years were amazing and yet at the same time a little empty. Why? Because while jet setting to exotic places for weekends was exciting and hedonistic what I really craved was a sense of home; belonging to somewhere or to someone or to feel like I had a purpose. Sometimes I felt like I was waiting for life to happen. And then it did!

I always wanted children. Four, I believe was the magic number from youthful day dreams. I assumed I’d meet that lucky guy and four gorgeous children (including a set of twins) would grace us soon after. My story is a little different- and I’m grateful I am now a Mum to a head strong, rough yet cuddly, ticklish, intelligent and happy little four year old. Having a child has given me purpose. He is my WHY. He is my constant adventure at home.

I want to spend time with him. To play, to teach, to hear his laugh and to hold him tightly when he’s so frustrated and lashes out when he can’t make something work. I want to guide him, keep him safe and watch him take risks and grow his confidence. What I want is time, freedom to create adventures with him when we want and that is why I do what I do. I work full-time and outside of work am building a business that will allow me more freedom to spend that precious time as he grows and develops.

Having bought a life into this world I now have my priorities. Family. Love. Time. So that’s what I’m creating.


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